Price: $30.00
Price: $30.00
Price: $39.95
The modern city is not only pavement and concrete. Parks, gardens, trees, and other plants are an integral part of the urban environment. Often the focal points of social movements and political interests, green spaces represent far more than simply an effort to balance the man-made with the natural. A city's history with -- and approach to -- its parks and gardens reveals much about its workings and the forces acting upon it. Our green spaces offer a unique and valuable window on the history of city life.
The essays in Greening the City span over a century of urban history, moving from fin-de-siècle Sofia to green efforts in urban Seattle. The authors pre-sent a wide array of cases that speak to global concerns through the local and specific, with topics that include green-space planning in Barcelona and Mexico City, the distinction between public and private nature in Los Angeles, the ecological diversity of West Berlin, and the historical and cultural significance of hybrid spaces designed for sports. The essays collected here will make us think differently about how we study cities, as well as how we live in them.
ContributorsDorothee Brantz, Technische Universität Berlin * Peter Clark, University of Helsinki * Lawrence Culver, Utah State University * Konstanze Sylva Domhardt, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, Zurich * Sonja Dümpelmann, University of Maryland * Zachary J. S. Falck, Independent Scholar* Stefanie Hennecke, Technical University Munich * Sonia Hirt, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University * Salla Jokela, University of Helsinki * Jens Lachmund, Maastricht University * Gary McDonogh, Bryn Mawr College * Jarmo Saarikivi, University of Helsinki * Jeffrey Craig Sanders, Washington State University
Price: $45.00
Price: $29.95
Price: $32.00
Topics covered include:
* Pond Building: a concise guide, A to Z
* Maintenance: symptoms of a dying pond and some basic and off-the-wall ideas about how to prevent, or reverse, this aging process
* Wildlife: how to attract those you want; how to repel those you don't.
* Activities and Use: skating, raising fish, saunas and hot tubs, kits for building rafts, docks, and gazebos, pumps for irrigation and pond protection,
* Garden ponds: goldfish, ornamental plants
* Details about the products on the market, where to buy supplies, and how to get the best for your buck.
Price: $14.95
easy landscaping ideas photo's
Here is nothing more useful to someone trying to create a new look and feel in their yard than landscapinga goodidea photo. Landscapingwith aidea teaches photo you not only divine you get so much. Yes, learning, however, you can learn a lot by looking aideaAstatinelandscapingimage. You can learn what look fabulous and you can learn what doesn't look so hot. Everything from a small landscapingsmallidea graphic. Don't you think that it is time that you go out and got yourself on
Where do you find landscapingaidea image that you have any questions that you can take a picture with beautiful landscapingidea of many different places. Your best bet is to get as much as you can and take notes ideas about what you like and that you really don't want to. This way when it comes time to get started you will know exactly what you want. You can even display your landscaper landscapingideaphotos so that he or she can see exactly what you are talking about. This type of communication is very important because it landscaping contractor can not know what you're talking about otherwise. This way he will see for themselves.
You can landscapinga greatidea photo from the library, in fact you can hundreds of them there. Visit your library and find the landscape architecture and gardening section if you are having problems then the librarian questions, they ar there to help you. Explain that youideaafer alandscapingphoto or two and you need help. They Mightiness have even some books of that kind in a unlike section and, who knows
You can then landscapingall photosidea photocopy which you think may be of help to you. A folder with you bring theideasolandscapingimage will be protected and go home and start making the things you like in eachideaPhotolandscapingand the things you hate. If you do not want to write on the right side of theideagraphiclandscapingthen write on the back. This is good because if you write aboutideaitlandscapingimage on an uneven page you can things confused, this is easily to do if you ar transaction with all kinds of landscapingideaphotos.
autumn landscape ideas
A large opening salvo from your gateway will definitely encourage home buyers to view and possibly making a purchase. Work on the external functions of houses is equally important in the commissioning of important details of your interior. Buy not scare possible markets apart from the appearance of your gateway, gardens and pathways.
Sale houses this year is not that unmanageable Unlike before since there ar various ways to boost your finest House make potential buyers flock coursing through your front door. The following ar the best ways to encourage potential buyers by working on the look of your homes.
It is the most basic, but the most important step you moldiness deploy before you plan to sell your home. Nobody will se their eyes on a dirty and scary house and does not expect that someone will but is a place to stay! Well, you may have someone to buy it as a place to stock up old feed to expect! It is an insult when that happens.
Click to Home heraLandscapingideas
You want to run a large cleanup! Make sure every angle is clean, tidy and hygienic. Reserved broken equipment and materials such as destroyed stairs, concrete and/or pottery. Clean all Windows and to ensure that the outside of the House are also well maintained. Spending days to week of cleaning is worth it because you ar guaranteed that potential buyers with the appearance of your home will be quenched!
Working with the look of your homes may require you to keep track of your backyard neat and trimmed. Dry grass mowing, removing dead plants and plants of new and healthy garden plants to make the garden a beautiful view. You don't have too much to your garden looks great earlier you mold maximize your effort to simply decorating your garden for not to look like an empty landfill spend.
If you are a home marketing, verify the presentable both the exterior and the Interior of the House. Put yourself in the situation of your customers and trying to get things to weigh when they would be satisfied with the overall outlook of your home. Look in each corner and check if some areas need a bit of renovation. You will not have a hard time marketing a leak-proof House and you ar sure buyers ar completely safe!
Home sellers are faced with a tough competition so they must be sure to put their best foot forward! Impression on potential buyers is not enough so they mold to ensure that these people will definitely buy the houses Astatine first visit.
Click here to House vegetable garden
Price: $50.00
Price: $62.00
angle many landscaping ideas
A large opening salvo from your gateway will definitely encourage home buyers to view and possibly making a purchase. Work on the external functions of houses is equally important in the commissioning of important details of your interior. Buy not scare possible markets apart from the appearance of your gateway, gardens and pathways.
Sale houses this year is not that unmanageable Unlike before, because there are several ways to boost your finest House make potential buyers flock coursing through your front door. The following ar the best ways to encourage potential buyers by working on the look of your homes.
It is the most basic, but the most important step that you must implement before you plan to sell your home. Nobody will se their eyes on a dirty and scary house and does not expect that someone will but is a place to stay! Well, you may have someone to buy it as a place to stock up old feed to expect! It is an insult when that happens.
Click to Home hitherLandscapingideas
You want to run a large cleanup! Make sure every corner that is clean, tidy and hygienic. Reserved broken equipment and materials such as destroyed stairs, concrete and/or pottery. Clean all Windows and to ensure the outside of the House ar also well preserved. Year week of cleaning is worth it because you ar guaranteed that potential buyers are satisfied with the appearance of your House will!
Working with the look of your homes may require you to keep track of your backyard neat and trimmed. Dry grass mowing, removing dead plants and plants of new and healthy garden plants to make the garden a beautiful view. You don't have too much to your garden looks great earlier you mold maximize your effort to simply decorating your garden for not to look like an empty landfill spend.
If you're a House merchandising, verify the presentable both the exterior and the Interior of the House. Put yourself in the situation of your customers and trying to get things to weigh if she would be slaked with the overall outlook of your home. Look corner in each and check if some areas need a bit of renovation. You will not have a hard time selling a House leak-proof and you ar sure buyers ar completely safe!
Home sellers ar faces a tough competition so they must be sure to put their best foot forward! Impression on potential buyers is not enough so they mold to ensure that these people will definitely buy the houses at first visit.
Click hera to House vegetable garden
Price: $40.00
Price: $42.48
Southern landscape ideas
In South -California that we've been in a drought for the past few years, and even in a good year we don't get much rain.
If you are the owner of a house in a sensitive area of drought is an easy way to reduce your energy consumption is the substitution of hogging water plants with plants which are healthy and looks gorgeous with little water. These plants have to do well across most of the Southwest, but may not work in areas, each of which more than a very slight frost or get significant rainfall.
Shrubs and vines are an important but often overlooked part of any garden. They usually offer a greener than flat screens on the border between our yard and our neighbours. They are also better sound-absorbing than screens only. The bushes on this list can go for a fence or use in leiu of a fence. The vines can grow on a fence or trelis, or fill bush established contrasting leaves and flowers to add.
1. Bougainvillea (Bougainvillea) are a family of powerful growing vines with year round lively pink, purple or white flowers. The woody stems that develop can support the plant. However, they tend to have a very irregular habit unless you are vigilant in pruing. Bougainvillea have very sharp thorns on the trunk, so be very careful around this beauty.
2. Bush Jasmine (Jasminum dichotomum or Jasminum sambac) the dense bush Jasmine forms of common in Southern California for good reason. They are an easy bush to grow, and they have a beautiful white flower with a nice smell. It's probably the best to buy this from a local nursery to get a plant that is appropriate for your specific environment.
3. Jasmine Vine or Star Jasmine (Jasminum multiflorum or Jasminum polyanthum) the vine forms of jasmin tend to grow faster than the bush, and the and they produce more of these heavenly-smelling flowers. A true vine, you'll have to give this plant only support.
4. Honeysuckle (Lonicera) the only bad thing about Jasmine vine is that so many people grow. If you have a substitute, which is just as sweet smell of jasmine but different why not try to homeysuckle. There are many many varietuies of honeysuckly, so this another plant that you want to retrieve at your local nursery to somethig that is adapted to your environment.
5. Gardenia (gardenia) Gardenia is a large family of flowering shrubs with very striking white or yellow flowers. This plant has the showiest flowers on this list, but would also need more care and water than the others. Many forms are available, check your local nursery for doing well in your environment.
6. Oleander (Nerium oleander) oleander is a fast growing shrub that a nice hedge with pink or white flowers forms will. This plant is highly toxic, so do not plant it where children or pets would regularly come into contact with it.
7. Jade Plant (Crassula ovata) jade plant forms a hedge will be ample opportunity to determine. While not the fastest grower or always fattest habit, this plant needs very little water and has a wonderful distinctive appearance.
Here are my gardening resources for California. Most nurseries and garden centres on this list would wear this beautiful seven plants. On the other hand, would my listings of trees and shrubs specialty growers have for this and other shrubs and vines.
great backyard landscaping ideas
When it comes to creating landscapinglargeideas, there are many different choices you have. It's really a personal preference and what you really enjoy, there are so many landscapingideas and even landscaping design options that you can come on your own. If you are interested in a remodel on your front yard, are to start doing some research to come up with ideaslarge. There are five of the top hottest landscapingideas out there, so you get the most out of your budget and timetable.
1. brick pavers
People will always love bricks, gravel, and there are all kinds of different ways that you can work on brick paving stones so that they look how they want to install. There are some people who their brick pavers will use to go their walkway there are also people who will use their paving stones to make a brick paver patio that will look great. There are so many great options and different things that you can design the paving stones ideas that will endlessly.
Topics covered include:
* Pond Building: a concise guide, A to Z
* Maintenance: symptoms of a dying pond and some basic and off-the-wall ideas about how to prevent, or reverse, this aging process
* Wildlife: how to attract those you want; how to repel those you don't.
* Activities and Use: skating, raising fish, saunas and hot tubs, kits for building rafts, docks, and gazebos, pumps for irrigation and pond protection,
* Garden ponds: goldfish, ornamental plants
* Details about the products on the market, where to buy supplies, and how to get the best for your buck.
Price: $21.95
Texas landscape ideas
Every garden has a bit of imagination, and in the desire for Houstonians for the look and feel of, say, Tuscany or the Italian Renaissance, no garden filled that desire as a landscape Mediterranean design.
Elegant elements of nature combine with the relaxed Mediterranean culture, it can landscape Mediterranean design of simple, yet converted into comprehensive extravaganza. Crystal clear water and outdoor water fountains, sweet herbs right off the vine to be used in the outdoor kitchens, relaxing spaces for entertainment, and lush vegetation, practical characterized the landscape Mediterranean design.
Just as a rose by any other name smells as sweet, also the landscape Mediterranean design. It is repeatedly as Andalusian, Santa Barbara Revival, Tuscan and Moroccan styles known. Mainly its name to the atmosphere of the Mediterranean and southern Europe, take the waterfall midway between the broad categories of formal and informal garden design. The influences of landscape design classic can be clearly seen in this style thanks to the proximity and prominence of antediluvian Rome.
Mediterranean landscape Design-by history
The landscapes Mediterranean arose in ancient Arabia and evolved, as all garden styles have, over the centuries. Important influences were the gardens of Greece, Rome and Italy.
Because it is so closely associated with the warm, sometimes arid, climate zone of the Mediterranean, this model has little in common with English garden design, largely due to plant material choices. In connection with its evocation of another (a) time and place the design of the landscape los Mediterranean of the landscape modern designs with its emphasis on contemporary choices and images.
Characteristics of landscape design Mediterranean
You can choose between several different notable features suitable for residential gardens by in the Mediterranean style. Synonym to remember "Ambiance of the ancient world."
Stone, terracotta tiles, weathered stones, tiles, tumbled travertine
wooden beams
wrought iron
classical Statuary and Roman columns
Outdoor furniture that Arab, Moroccan or Italian arouses sensitivities
The architecture of the House should be carefully considered when using a landscape Mediterranean design. Actually the House dictates this choice, as some architectural styles-colonial and federal-style come to mind-would jar the senses if crossed with a Mediterranean garden. The intelligent placement of a hardscape function, perhaps a wrought iron Garden Gate in the vaulted style of Barcelona, can be used to connect to your home to clot.
When this style applies, the landscape home and are also bound together by selective use of plantings. Your choice of plants, in fact, further defines your Mediterranean design:
trees and shrubs. Having regard to the hot climate zone from which this style, shadow is extremely important-make it ideal for the Houston area. Live oaks, with their twists and turns, looks beautiful in this garden. Also, Italian cypress, olive trees and fruit trees such as orange and lemon trees.
the vines. Use creeping vines such as Wisteria and vine.
herb gardens. Basil, thyme, Rosemary and salvia improve the Italian influence and seductive scents. Herbs are especially attractive in terra cotta planters.
vegetable gardens. Since authentic Mediterranean gardens are practical, heralding back to their roots in the Agriculture of cultures, fits right a vegetable garden landscapein it. A vegetable garden offers not only food, but also assign a color.
The premises of the landscape Mediterranean Design
The residential garden with a Mediterranean flair is beautiful and relaxing, capturing the easy living of the outdoors. When choosing the spaces and further extend that Show hardscapes, these options to consider:
Outdoor kitchens. A central point for outdoor entertainment, a summer kitchen offers a natural meeting place. The design should tie the House and landscape it together and, especially, must be functional.
outdoor water fountains. Water is an essential part of the design of the landscape Mediterranean, so consider fountains by in an Italian Romanesque, or rustic style. Be aware of scale-you want to the fountain to be in relation to the rest of landscapeit. Also look at the sightlines of the shot water from your favorite viewing spot.
luxury swimming pools. Within the landscape design Mediterranean classical forms, such as rectangles and circles, good. That, given the versatility of basic shapes, means the pools can range from simple and sober or eye catching and fascinating. Often, you can combine them with an outside Water Fountain that eliminates some layoffs while adding vitality to your overall design.
walkways. Stone, stones, gravel and flag work well for paths in the landscape Mediterranean design. Neutral colors are preferred.
Latest thoughts on the landscape Mediterranean Design
Jeff Halper with exterior worlds says, "our customers travel to Europe and come home to emulate a scene that she fell in love with in Tuscany, Italy, Spain or Greece. As the name implies, Mediterranean gardens ar usually formal, dry climate gardens. They have the same characteristics-linearity, use of axis and central focal points- landscape of formal design. I think their most distinguishing feature is their use of materials: limestone or pebbles for paths, Italian cypress, Juniper, dwarf yaupons and other blue-green or gray dry plants. Think of the dry, rocky hills of Austin with olive groves. "
He goes on to say, "What surprises most people with this kind of design is the amount of mathematics and order it takes to create chaos in a garden."
Price: $45.00
Price: $14.95
tree landscaping ideas
Sustainment programs should be prepared for trees and shrubs on your landscape. A dependable sustainment plan includes checking and containing insect and disease problems, restraining weed competition, and doing timely applications of water, mulch, and fertilizer.
Tree and bush fertilization is particularly important in urban and suburban areas of the nation where soils have been altered due to construction. These urbanised soils tend to be heavily compacted, badly aerated, poorly drained, and low in organic matter. Even where land has not been affected, fertilization may be needed as part of a maintenance program to step-up plant vigor or to improve root or top growth.
Trees and shrubs in residential and commercial landscape plantings ar frequently fertilized to keep them healthy and attractive. Over-fertilization is prevalent, causation excessive growth, especially on young nursery stock. Trees growing in lawn areas usually receive some nutrients when the grass is fertilized. This is usually sufficient to maintain most trees in fertile soil. However, fertilization may be worthy on altered soils where unconsolidated fill material has been added or the topsoil has been removed. Managed urban areas where fallen leaves ar taken off may also require a fertilization regime to enrich soil and refill nutrients.
Fertilizer is no stand-in for environmental factors, such as sunlight and water, which moldiness be in balance if a tree or bush is to grow into its full potential. Trees and shrubs that ar healthy and growing robustly are less susceptible to attack by insects and diseases. An application of fertiliser may, in some instances, improve the plant’s resistance to further infestations of certain pests. For example, maple trees will recover from mild cases of Verticillium wilt following applications of n fertilizer.
Objectives for Fertilizing
How and when to fertilize landscape trees and bushes hinge upon:
Sustainment aims (induce new vs. maintain existing growth)
Tree and bush ages (in general more for newer and less for older plants)
Plant strain levels
When to Fertilize
The best time to fertilize trees goes from late autumn, after the leaves have come down, through the winter and into early spring before new growth comes about. Fertilizer employed in the autumn has a lengthier period of time to infiltrate the soil enabling the roots to more efficiently assimilate it. The fertiliser is soaked up by the roots during the winter and is accessible to the plant for growth in the spring.
Trees that are rapidly developing should be fertilized annually. Well-established, adult trees usually call for fertiliser once every three to four years.
Newly Planted Trees Fertilizer Use
Newly planted trees usually do non need fertiliser during the first growing season. Most transplanted trees developed in the nursery have high levels of nutrients that last through the first growing season. Too much fertilization during the first year can damage the tree and reduce its rate of growth. After the first year, nitrogen can be applied in an approximately 3ft area around each tree. This will ensure a sufficient supply for continued growth. Do non apply fertilizer within 12 inches of the stem of the tree because fertilizer can burn and harm young stem tissue.
How to Determine Whether to Fertilize
Visual review of trees and shrubs is often the best boilersuit factor to use in making fertilization decisions.
Look for:
Poor leaf color (pale green to yellow)
Reduced leaf sizing and retention
Premature fall coloration and leaf drop
Soil Test
Eighteen nutrients ar essential for plants:carbon,oxygen, hydrogen, nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium , calcium, magnesium, sulfur and nine trace minerals: iron , boron, copper, manganese, molybdenum, zinc, cobalt, nickel and chlorine. Carbon, o and hydrogen function in the formation of plant cells and food creation, the first two obtained from the atmosphere and the latter gotten from water absorbed by roots.
A soil test furnishes specialized data on the potential for plant reaction to agricultural limestone and to phosphorus and k fertilizers. In addition it provides a verifiable basis for ascertaining how much of those elements to add once they are found to be lacking. A representative soil sampling can be a challenge to get, because most nutrient-absorbing roots of trees and bushes are in the upper six inches of the soil and may stretch out two or three times beyond the radius of the crown. Consequently, in determining the nutritionary demands of trees and shrubs, it’s also essential to look astatine soil and wet conditions the species, age and vigor of the plants and previous fertilization.
Nitrogen, the most typically depleted soil nutrient, furnishes the greatest growth response. Unfortunately, soil tests or analyses for approachable nitrogen ar non very dependable. Nitrogen is present in dissimilar forms (e.g. nitrate, ammonium, urea) and these forms can alter rapidly in the soil. All the same, boilersuit tree growth, especially root and shoot elongation, leaf color and leaf size, can be heightened with increases of nitrogen. Be sure non to overfertilize with nitrogen. Don’t overcompensate with greater amounts of n when fertilizing grass, bushes and trees. Nitrate leaches readily from numerous soils and can create water pollution problems.
Selecting a Fertilizer
An assortment of fertilizer types exist:
Complete (N-P-K) vs. Partial (one or additional select nutrients)
Organic vs. inorganic
Fast release vs. slow release
Dry (grained, pelletized, spikes, powdered, encapsulated) vs. liquid
To assist in determining the form of fertilizer to utilize, weigh these factors: type of flora, season, wanted rate of plant reaction, application program and equipment price, proximity to water sources, consequence of soil type and pH, type of deficiency, and outcomes of a soil test or extra sample methods.
Nearly all landscape plants profit from a slow secreting n fertilizer that can be organic or inorganic. Remember that nitrogen is easy washed through the soil, but phosphorus and k ar not, signifying they necessitate less frequent application.
Methods of Application
Fertilizers may be put on either directly or indirectly for plants. When sod is fertilized, tree and bush roots that stretch into the sod area absorb some of the fertilizer, and are therefore indirectly fertilized. Sod fertilization rates should be supplemented only if trees and bushes ar demonstrating symptoms of nutritive deficiency.
Straight application of fertilizer could call for placement into the backfill soil or positioning in the planting hole at planting time. Nevertheless, the more common variant of direct fertilizer application, broadcasting, is typically the most useful, especially proportional to cost. Just broadcasting the fertiliser over the soil atop the tree and bush roots and watering it in is generally enough. Compressed soil should first be charged or raked.
The most sensible and effective way to fertilize large trees is to scatter granular fertilizer on the surface of the soil and allow rain or irrigation water to transport the nutrients to the roots. Evenly broadcast the fertiliser over the area to be fertilized – that area covering the outer two-thirds of the distance ‘tween the trunk and the drip line and extending astatine least 50 percent of the crown radius beyond the dripline.
An alternative method is to position granular fertiliser into holes in the ground that are four to twelve inches deep. These holes ar constructed in a regular pattern at 2- to 3-foot separationsl, in the same expanse as broadcast fertiliser is applied. Divvy up the fertiliser amongst the holes. This process does not insure homogeneous coverage to all feeder rootsl, particularly in the upper few inches of the soil surface where the bulk of the roots occur. Strong concentrations of fertilizers in these holes can in addition injure roots located next to the hole.
A commonly used commercial method is to inject liquid fertilizers into the soil. A special injectant rod is used and the fertilizer solution is injected under pressure. A comparable probe mechanics called a ‘root feeder’ is sold at most garden centers. The long probe attaches to a garden hose and water-soluble fertilizer cartridges distribute nutrients and water directly into the tree root zone. The tip of the injectant needle should be inserted 4 to 12 inches into the soil at 2- to 3-foot intervals. Fertilizers suitable for liquid injection ar typically more expensive per unit of nutrient and ar frequently more difficult to apply than granular fertilizers.
Spikes ar extra choice for tree or bush fertilization. These are rammed into the soil with a heavy hammer and can only be employed efficaciously when the soil is damp. The spikes don’t evenly broadcast fertiliser around the tree‘s or bush’s major feeder roots. Tree spikes are a pricey choice. Their popularity is founded on simplicity and ease of application.
Foliar eating is a short-run answer when a nutrient inadequacy has been diagnosed. The leavesl, buds and green wood are capable to absorb some nutrients. Foliar nutrient sprays are put on with a pressure sprayer or siphon sprayer attached to a garden hose. The green-up from foliar spraying is fairly rapid but not long enduring. Generally deficiencies of micronutrients including ironl, b or mn are rectified by seasonal foliar applications.
Micro-injection is the straight injection of essential nutrients into the trunk of the tree or shrub. It is a customary commercial practice for relieving or invigorating trees showing stress or decline symptoms. Nutrients can also be placed in gelatin capsules and set in in holes in the tree trunk. Micro-injection research is comparatively limited and results are often conflicting. Drilling holes, implanting or injecting fertiliser and sealing holes can lead to trunk disfiguration and decay. Foliar applications, injections or implants should only be considered when soil application of fertilizer is non viable. These measures ar considered short-term cures for nutrient deficiencies and pest infestations. Ultimately, the proper soil and foliar applications moldiness be engaged for a long-term cure.
Placement of Fertilizer
Fertilizer should not be hard around the base or trunk of a tree or shrub, but should be applied over as much of the plant’s root zone as possible. For trees and shrubs, fertiliser should be applied over an area twice as large as the crown spread. Since most landscape plant roots grow in the top foot of soi[l/c] surface, but non deep application, is recommended.
How Fertilizer Uptake is Affected
Many factors affect how well and well trees and shrubs absorb fertilizers. The most important uptake factors are:
Fertilizer form (inorganic, fast release, or liquid forms ar absorbed faster than organic, slow-release,or dry forms)
Soil type (clay particles and organic matter soak up or bind more nutrients than sand, so fertilizer application needs to be more often in sandy soils, but with lower rates each time due to leach potential)
Soil wet content and soil warmth (nutrient uptake is faster in moist warm soils)
Plant vitality (plants under stress are less able to take up available nutrients due to discredited or reduced root systems)
Application Timing
Fertilizer should be given when plants require it, when it will be most effective, and when plants can readily take it up. Late summertime and early fall fertilization may rouse new growth that is non winter hardy, and summertime drouth may interfere with nutrient uptake, but spring, fall, and winter applications are acceptable. A split application may be beneficial, applying half the yearly rate in early spring and the rest in the fall as or after plants go dormant.
If water is unavailable, do non fertilize astatine all – plants will be unable to take up the nutrients. (During a dry season, fertigation – application of fertilizer through an irrigation system can be valuable.)
Tree and bush fertilization is only one ingredient of total plant maintenance. Fertilization may not assist a plant if it is under stress from poor soil aeration or drainage, concentrated soil, inadequate light or space, or excessive pest problems. All factors influencing plant growth should be kept astatine optimum levels to ensure plant vigor.
Price: $63.00
The Village Homes neighborhood in Davis, California is one of the few long-standing examples of sustainable community design. Mark Francis has been studying Village Homes for more than two decades and brings together existing research and writing on the community, studies about the children of Village Homes he conducted throughout the 1980s, and interviews with many parties involved with the project including designers, residents, gardeners, and maintenance people. Mark Francis takes a critical look at Village Homes, addressing its failures as well as its successes, and examines the question of why, despite its success, this development has not been replicated.
Price: $25.00
Price: $39.99
easy landscape ideas
If you have always been interested in the topic of landscaping you should learn about it from the experts. While you can read various gardening magazines, the best way for you to learn about landscaping is to take a landscaping class.
You might be surprised to know that landscaping classes ar an excellent option. These classes ar usually something that people who ar interested in botany like to take, as it is a way to implement their love of plants.
You’ll learn about:
* Plant health, soil, and fertilizers
* Servicing garden tractors and other tools used in landscaping
* Creating landscaping designs using shrubs and ground covers
* Specialty landscaping, start and operating your own landscaping business
* And you may be capable to learn it right astatine home
With the right credentials, you can:
* Work for an established landscaping firm or start your own business.
* Complete your training in as little as six months from today, or take thirster if you wish.
If you have a basic knowledge of flowers and plants, that basic noesis will help you when it comes to learning about the basics of landscaping. If, however, you really do not know much about either, that is not a problem, because a landscaping class will teach you all of the basic noesis plus more.
There ar usually several levels of landscaping classes that you can choose from, in accordance with your current knowledge. The basic landscaping classes will most likely have to do with being able to identify certain kinds of plants, and how they can be enforced into various landscaping designs.
One important thing that you should know about landscaping is that you will need to pay attention to the kinds of plants that work well in your climate. For example, if you like a certain kind of plant, but that plant is only right in warmer climates, and you live in a colder climate, you will need to find a plant that can work with your climate.
Another important thing to learn about landscaping is the quality of soil that you have, because it varies with the climate. The kind of soil that you have should have sufficient nutrients, so you might need to get soil that has all the nutrients that your plants need. If you decide to take a class about landscaping, that should be one of the topics.
While your front yard landscaping is generally going to be about other people and what they see, your backyard landscaping is all about you. Backyard landscaping is one of the most popular methods in up your outdoor space without spending too much money on materials, labor and other tasks involved in implementing a landscape design.
With backyard landscaping, non only can you achieve an improved overall appearance of your outdoor area, adding landscape elements can also benefit your home by providing environmental functions, increasing real estate value of your home, saving energy costs and adding privacy to your home.
Backyard landscaping can alter a person’s mood and perception because of the environmental feel of the area. As a result, people who work at home can improve productivity from work when they can work on a stress-free environment. Landscape elements in your backyard can have a positive effect on people with illnesses by giving the patient’s mind a reposeful state that speeds up recovery.
The good thing about backyard landscaping is you can take control of sunshine and air purification. By provision the placements of trees, shrubs and other elements, you can improve air circulation in your backyard, while maintaining adequate sun to enter your outdoor space. In addition, planting trees can help reduce pollution because plants can control erosion, reduce wind speed levels and noise effects, disperse mist and help in influencing snow deposition.
Reflect Your Interests
Backyard Landscaping is really very important as this is a place which is a safe and beautiful. Some of the best backyard landscaping ideas for you include making the yard in a style your own. Try to figure out what some of the things are that are important to your family and try to incorporate these things into your backyard landscaping ideas. For instance, if you ar really interested in sportfishing or other outdoor sports, you mightiness want to add these things into your backyard landscaping ideas. Remember that your backyard should be something that you like, and somewhere that your family feels at ease.
Make it Fun
No one said that backyard landscaping ideas had to include frumpy ideas that no one would like. If you are doing your landscaping you should be trying your very best to really make it fun for everyone. Do what you can to make sure that you are allowing yourself and your family plenty of room to play, whether that is with sandboxes, hammocks or a back porch for entertaining guests.
No matter where you live, you ar probably going to be spending some time of the year in your backyard. So be sure to make it someplace that you’d love to be and have some things that everyone will love incorporated in the backyard as well. Try to make it a place which has something to hold every family members interest.
Get everyone’s Input
Backyard landscaping is non just positioning plants in your backyard. Backyard landscaping ideas include request for everyone’s help and for their suggestions as well. Your whole family can help design the backyard and they can all let you know what they’d like to see in it. If you’d like to get their input but you don’t’ want a million ideas, try to create some ideas on your own and then ask your family for which ones they like best.
The question arises though, exactly what type of backyard landscaping is best for your house. Even young children and seniors can put in their two cents worth. A mosaic stepping-stone competition amongst family members can give you material for a unique walk way into your backyard. By building a tree house (or astatine least start with a bird house) you can get the entire family more involved in the outdoors.
If you can let everyone take ownership of the backyard landscaping ideas and everyone feels like they ar playing a part, they ar going to be more likely to enjoy the backyard and lend a hand in its maintenance and upkeep too!
Use the Internet
An internet search of “Backyard Landscaping Ideas” will give you and your family ideas of what people ar doing all over the country. Just make a list of 5 things that everyone agrees on and get started.
Have fun and enjoy!
Copyright © John Hanna All Rights Reserved.
This article may be distributed freely on your website and in your ezines, as long as this entire article, copyright notice, links and the imagination box ar unchanged.
Price: $24.95
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* 98 quick-check tables let you instantly pinpoint area space standards…tree mortality causes and remedies…recommended live loads for different decking uses and maximum decking spans…irrigation system selection criteria – and much, much more * Scores of easy-to-use, easy-to-remember rules of thumb
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the patios landscaping ideas
Solar lights you get what you want to
If you patio a or deck than you need outdoor lighting to illuminate it and the surrounding area Astatine night.
Even if you do not use patio your deck or night have sensor lighting close by for safety and security reasons. And now you can do all this cheap with solar-powered lights.
First lights that come on when someone approaches great for the casual thief and second off if you want to go on to your patios deck or night a lamp will automatically to light your way and make sure you do slip or anything.
There ar many unequal smart and innovative ways to alleviate unlike the aspects of your patio or deck. Lighting can be installed in almost any location, in and around patio or your deck so that the desired exposure effect.
When patio you solar lights install you just the right atmosphere to get the kind of style and atmosphere that you prefer. And of course by mixing unequal lighting effects, you can set different combinations for unequal opportunities make the use of solar patio -lights and solar deck lights very versatile.
The main thing that helps you with obtaining this versatility is the fact that there are only so many types of solar lighting patios and for recording devices all with an uneven and unique applications. And best of all they ar all really easy to install so you can do it yourself cheap and in your own time.
The Lantern tradition is a standard for most patio the deck areas and now you can all have the same traditional and more recent designs powered by solar energy. If the location of the lantern is not in the Sun all day or not, but just a Sun-outdoor light has a separate miniskirt solar panels for charging the battery and the search pane in a space sun lit.
Motion Sensor lighting
These ar essential for domestic safety and security and, once again, this is all available in the traditional and modern design you would associate with sensor lighting. Only now you can use them as a solar-powered option and of course this is no outlet or other electrical wiring and so ar easy to install and require can be located wherever you want.
Step Lights
These are extremely useful for lighting your way in difficult areas or patioto your. They relieve really the stairs so you see exactly where you're going. This makes it easier for you and your family to circumvent Astatine night and reduces the chance of that occasionally slip that can be sometimes so painful.
Post lighting and lamps
The traditional postal lamp that on top of a post on terrace or your deck is now available as a sun-light and new close mounting solar-powered ar post light that also fit on top of the post that an upward light without you even knowing that they are there. These are very effective in giving a special and unusual lighting effect.
Special wrought solar-powered lights that look like normal flame torches (without the flame of course) now also available in almost every conceivable style and these are great for producing a striking effect of ambient lighting ar.
Use your imagination
There are even more solar lights that are designed specifically for use on decks patiosand. Just about every kind of solar outdoor lighting can use to an alternative effect. Try using rope lights on or under railings or around pickets or posts.
You can also get solar lighting for hanging under large parasols or center of table lighting. And don't forget Christmas and other festive occasions or parties when you use special solar lighting designed only for those occasions can make.
Only your imagination will limit what you can do for your patio deck or with outdoor solar lights. The good news is that whatever you do with solar energy lights it's going to be cheap and you'll be much fun.
Price: $60.00
residential landscape ideas
For residential landscapes, flexibility and versatility are key needs of irrigation control panels and the Hunter XC Controller Timer offers this necessary functions, and then some. Composted for homeowners with landscapes complex of different lawn and gardens, the Hunter XC irrigation Controllers ar a great way to irrigation program organized, so to keep plants healthy. The units come in indoor and outdoor pools, models, and is suitable for four, six or eight stations. Each unit in this series has similar features and benefits for the user.
Flexibility to variable Plant watering needs
Each irrigation drive is checked on the XC Controller Timer is suitable for one or two valves, besides a main valve for the entire Panel. Three different programs with four daily start times allow for basic 12 unlike watering schedules. Regional watering restrictions and regulations become more frequent and severe. Manual overrides help residents comply with regulations drenching. Owners can permanent designate "free days" in order to ensure that the system does not turn on in times of water restrictions. Rain delay of between 1-7 years can also be set. The global season correction function and 365 days calendar programming easier.
Landscape useful for contractors
An essential part of irrigation control systems is the power of landscape the declarant for the programming of the system, and if necessary re-program the system. Under the pleasant features is the possibility of a default program from memory can be remembered as the head of the family accidentally re-sets the timers on unwanted cycles of the declarant. As a resident in a job with the system, allow the automatic system checks irrigation contractors a set of automatic Diagnostics with the Hunter fast control system. The backup lithium battery ensures that all programs protected will be maintained in the event of a power outage.
Multi-Featured Dial system makes this Controller multifunction
In addition to the control of the irrigation system, this can also be connected Hunter controller different weather sensors-temperature, rainfall and wind speed and wind direction. The face program is easy to use, which means landscape contractors that homeowners can show how to manage the controls themselves, but with the confidence that original settings can always be remembered as the head of the family knew something unintentionally.
Indoor and Outdoor models offer superior function
Hunter XC irrigation Controllers come in both indoor and outdoor models. The outside model is configured for installation with an internal terminal box, while within models plug-in transformers admit. Each unit can have up to three solenoid valves simultaneously for maximum coverage area. Electronic short-circuit detection and backup power sources keep the controller works under the toughest conditions. Additional memory capacity keeps programs stored in case of prolonged power outages. For residential landscapes maintained by contractors or homeowners, deliver the Hunter XC Controller Timers consistent performance and value to lawns and gardens beautiful!
Patsy Pittman Light has spent a decade documenting the trabajo rústico ("rustic work") of Rodríguez, along with its antecedents in Europe and Mexico, and the subsequent work of those Rodríguez trained in San Antonio. Rodríguez's unique and unusual art will fascinate those new to it and delight those to whom it is familiar.
San Antonio sites such as the bus stop on Broadway, the faux bois bridge in Brackenridge Park, and the "rocks" on the Miraflores Gate at the San Antonio Museum of Art, along with the Old Mill at T. R. Pugh Memorial Park in North Little Rock and Memorial Park Cemetery in Memphis, are just a few of the locations covered in this volume celebrating the life and work of a Latino artisan.
Students and devotees of Texas and Southwestern art will welcome this book and its long-overdue appreciation of this artist. Additionally, this book will commend itself to those interested in Latino studies, art history, and folklore.
Price: $30.00
Rock landscape ideas
MOSS can make some garden elements and even whole shady gardens look and feel established and aging. The problem with garden Moss is, however, that sometimes it's not even on his own can grow. And if so, it may take a very long time to settle.
Here is a way you can speed up your garden rocks and concrete features in a nice green moss cover. This method does not work well on Rosin statues and landscape artificial rocks.
Stir first a rule of thumb sizing clump of porcelain clay in 3 cups of water to form a thin paste. You can usually porcelain clay from local Hobby shops.
Then combine the mixture of clay with a cup of undiluted fish emulsion and a cup of fresh, chopped moss. Fish emulsion is a fertilizer made from whole fish is usually available at nurseries and garden centres.
Mix everything and painting on your rocks and concrete objects with a tassel. Keep things in the garden light dampish by misting and take care not to wash the mixture of.
Remember that MOSS grows, of course, patches, the north side of objects, and immediately takes to cracks and crevices.
Use the following formula in shady gardens and dampish locations and you can most likely moss on your garden landscape statues and rocks in a few weeks.