Southern landscape ideas
In South -California that we've been in a drought for the past few years, and even in a good year we don't get much rain.
If you are the owner of a house in a sensitive area of drought is an easy way to reduce your energy consumption is the substitution of hogging water plants with plants which are healthy and looks gorgeous with little water. These plants have to do well across most of the Southwest, but may not work in areas, each of which more than a very slight frost or get significant rainfall.
Shrubs and vines are an important but often overlooked part of any garden. They usually offer a greener than flat screens on the border between our yard and our neighbours. They are also better sound-absorbing than screens only. The bushes on this list can go for a fence or use in leiu of a fence. The vines can grow on a fence or trelis, or fill bush established contrasting leaves and flowers to add.
1. Bougainvillea (Bougainvillea) are a family of powerful growing vines with year round lively pink, purple or white flowers. The woody stems that develop can support the plant. However, they tend to have a very irregular habit unless you are vigilant in pruing. Bougainvillea have very sharp thorns on the trunk, so be very careful around this beauty.
2. Bush Jasmine (Jasminum dichotomum or Jasminum sambac) the dense bush Jasmine forms of common in Southern California for good reason. They are an easy bush to grow, and they have a beautiful white flower with a nice smell. It's probably the best to buy this from a local nursery to get a plant that is appropriate for your specific environment.
3. Jasmine Vine or Star Jasmine (Jasminum multiflorum or Jasminum polyanthum) the vine forms of jasmin tend to grow faster than the bush, and the and they produce more of these heavenly-smelling flowers. A true vine, you'll have to give this plant only support.
4. Honeysuckle (Lonicera) the only bad thing about Jasmine vine is that so many people grow. If you have a substitute, which is just as sweet smell of jasmine but different why not try to homeysuckle. There are many many varietuies of honeysuckly, so this another plant that you want to retrieve at your local nursery to somethig that is adapted to your environment.
5. Gardenia (gardenia) Gardenia is a large family of flowering shrubs with very striking white or yellow flowers. This plant has the showiest flowers on this list, but would also need more care and water than the others. Many forms are available, check your local nursery for doing well in your environment.
6. Oleander (Nerium oleander) oleander is a fast growing shrub that a nice hedge with pink or white flowers forms will. This plant is highly toxic, so do not plant it where children or pets would regularly come into contact with it.
7. Jade Plant (Crassula ovata) jade plant forms a hedge will be ample opportunity to determine. While not the fastest grower or always fattest habit, this plant needs very little water and has a wonderful distinctive appearance.
Here are my gardening resources for California. Most nurseries and garden centres on this list would wear this beautiful seven plants. On the other hand, would my listings of trees and shrubs specialty growers have for this and other shrubs and vines.