Pioneers of American Landscape Design (Professional Architecture)

Pioneers of American Landscape Design (Professional Architecture)An important look at 140 prominent landscape architects and their work, full of new and archival photographs--the first reference book of its kind. An absolute must for landscape architects, students, and anyone interested in the design and evolution of the American landscape. Each entry includes biographical information, a discussion of the architects' approach and methodology, and representative plans and photographs of major projects. Emphasizes vital issues in landscape preservation and ecologically sound design.

Excerpts from a review from the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette by Patricia Lowry on 9/30/00:

"Pioneers" will quickly become an indispensable resource for anyone working in the field. Attractively designed and packed with more than 450 plans and photographs (including 100 in color), it's also just fun to look at and read ...

For each entry, "Pioneers" also includes a brief bibliography. The book also can serve as a travel guide; at the end is a list of sites open to the public. ...

At least 14 of the pioneers have surviving gardens, landscapes or parks here -- a reminder that this region has nationally significant landscapes that should be cherished and protected. ...

The book strives to capture not only achievements but also personality ...Birnbaum's hope is that the book will inspire academics, students and other researchers ...

Price: $59.95

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